I’ve been to the North Field of Tinian
several times before, but it was different this time because first, it
was very early in the morning (which means practically midnight for a
nocturnal being like me), and second, I was with a professional
photographer who knew the place and had a deeper understanding about
history than what our lenses could capture.
The sun was slowly making its way up the
horizon when we glided smoothly into the Runway A (Able) as my companion
Dirk Spennemann started capturing the neglected airstrip with his
cameras from all angles. He was collecting photos for an upcoming
exhibit about places that played roles in World War II battles all over
the Pacific.
The lonely airstrip constructed of
crushed coral and asphalt stretched emptily before us, with weeds and
bushes growing in several parts a silent testimony to its state of
I stood still for a few moments, closing
my eyes against the glare of the sun and trying to imagine what the
place looked like 66 years ago.
Runway Able was just one of the six airstrips the Seabees and Marines constructed in 1945. They n
the four airstrips at the North Field ABCD for Able, Baker, Charlie and
Dog. Runway Able is the extra-long runway which was used for the B-29
bomber Enola Gay that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

We didn’t go to the three other runways
anymore as Dirk had more places on his list to check out and photograph.
We drove out of the Runway Able and proceeded to another historical
place nearby — the bomb pits where Japanese soldiers used to store their
bombs and fuel.
Those few minutes we spent at Runway Able
gave me a new perspective about a place many people on island may have
taken for granted. It played a big role in World War II.